Thursday, March 10, 2011

A Story (TUITION )

John enjoys singing.He took part in Inter class singing competition in 2009.
The day of competition finally arrived.All the participants were assembling at the hall,they were asked to wait at the side of the hall for their turns.John immediately did some last minute practise at the canteen.His heart was thumpling quickly because he was nervous,he did not want to not want to disappoint his parents,so he went back to the hall.
When it was his turn,he sang melodiusly and danced gracefully .He kept an eye contact with the judges.He felt confident so he did not fell nervous anymore.When his song ended,he was relieved.Itwas finally over,he looked at the audience and smiled broadly.The judges nodded and seemed totally impressed by John.Finally the principal had to announce the results.The participants were very anxious.Out of expection,John's name was called out by the principal.The audience cheered loudly.John held his breathand strade confidently up to the stage to take the trophy for all to see.Ectatic,the participants hugged each other,Their faces lit up as their eyes widened in high sprits. =X

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