Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Today morning i six thirty wake up,so early.Because of my mother lo...She nid to go work in SINGAPORE so she nid wake up early then i also nid to wake up early.So she call CINDY AYI came and see me .I go and brush teeth and change my school uniform.Then i go where my socks,Then i carry my bag.i call CINDY AYI go and open the door i open alarm...Then wait bus lor.Finally my bus come.Then we open the gate then,i go up the bus..When at school DAMN last period,we need to learn (LAGU SATU MALAYSIA) we need to write all the lyrics...Damn boring...But this song quite nice de.....We every Monday must sing le :)quite nice to hear.Then i go to tuition.Teacher call GOH BIN LI sit my beside!!!my god!!!

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