Tuesday, May 10, 2011

A Tsunami (Story)

It was early in the morning.I was jolted out of bed by an abnormally loud noise.People were screaming that the water was coming.In the distance,I saw an enormous wave approaching the shore the balmy turquoise sea had become dark and choppy.
The next minute, a huge torrent of water was barreling down the street,taking everything with it.Tables and chairs,and are sorts of debris were floating on the water.People were running for their lives.It was a brutal sight.The sounds of people screaming and the ocean crashing through buildings made me feel helpless under the force of nature.
My family very quickly scrambled to get out of our hotel room.The windows started to cave in and the water started to pouring in.We
swam out of the room neck deep in water.We swam against the current,all the time trying to dodge the bicycles,cupboards,cars and other wreckage that were thrusting towards us.We were thrown about in a murky whirlpool of debris.

Minutes seemed like hours,the water seemed like eternity as we waited for the water to gradually subside.Rescue work quickly began in the aftermath of the tsunami.=D

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